Thursday, February 23, 2017


Senior Show Meeting 2/23/17

Here's some of the things that were talked about at our meeting today!

Card Ideas:
-Letterpress cards for our show (Elise and Taylor)
-Icons representing everyone, pattern of icons

-Vinyl (Alex)

-Desserts from Cassis (Britney)
-Calzones, Pizza (Taylor and Elise)
-Salad or Vegetable pack (Lauren)
-Soda/Drinks (Alex)
-Coffee (Adela)

Name Possibilities:
-It Is Almost That
-Process Lab 9
-Pardon the Interruption
-Open Matter

Tuesday, February 21, 2017


aloe tea package illustration

Updated Sketch

Tried recreating my sketch in Illustrator so I could have more control over line weight and also the appearance of it in general.

Thinking of printing it out on sketchbook paper to see how that looks. But I may not get to that until Thursday's class.

For now, here's a digital file that works with Aurasma (as long as you're following my account).

Will be sure to be quicker in making the other ones.

Monday, February 20, 2017

Blue Ink

Instead of actually typing on more of the originals of the old paper, I decided to print out the scanned copies. After typing on some of the originals and ripping some of the pages by accident from the typewriter is the reason why I decided to just print them out. Im really liking how the overlapping looks with the black and blue R's (closeup image shown on the bottom).